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As we get closer to 2024 election day, there are increasing concerns on how to keep the voting process fair and honest. We’ve seen many cases of deepfake, false information, and misleading propaganda. To help solve these problems, big tech companies are using their knowledge to create ways to keep elections open and trustworthy.

Microsoft is one of these companies taking action. They’ve released a report saying that some countries might use both traditional methods and new AI technology to interfere with voting systems. This report comes from Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) and looks at what they have learnt from past elections. It also talks about how both domestic threats and foreign countries are trying to disrupt the elections.

The main goal of this 2024 Election Threat Assessment report is to protect the 2024 U.S. presidential election from outside interference. Microsoft believes that by looking at how elections were defended in the past and spotting early signs of people trying to influence voters, we can better prepare for this year’s election.

Click here to download this 2024 Election Threat Assessment report

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