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The World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risks Report for 2024 was developed in collaboration with Marsh McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group. It is a complete analysis of the most significant risks facing the world today and provides insights into potential challenges and opportunities for leaders in various sectors.

With the rapid change in technology, the economy, the climate, and increasing conflict, this reports is aimed at enlightening the world of the most severe risks for this year and beyond. It shares infight on how foreign and domestics actors will leverage on misinformation and disinformation to widen societal and political divides especially with 2024 being a critical election year.

The Global Risk Report 2024 serves as an important guide in the global risk management, as it will influence key governmental and organizational policies. “By staying informed about the risks outlined in the report, you can make better business decisions and develop effective risk management strategies” – Marsh McLennan

To download The Global Risks Report 2024, click here.

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