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As generative AI becomes more prevalent, election officials must understand its impact on election infrastructure security. While AI can boost productivity and enhance election security and administration, it also poses significant risks. Malicious actors, including foreign nation-states and cybercriminals, may exploit these capabilities for harmful purposes.

In the 2024 election cycle, generative AI is unlikely to introduce new risks but may amplify existing ones. Election officials can mitigate these risks using long-recommended security best practices. This fact sheet outlines generative AI capabilities, potential malicious uses targeting election infrastructure, and basic mitigations to counter these enhanced risks.

Key measures include strengthening cybersecurity protocols, training staff to recognize AI-generated threats, and employing advanced monitoring systems to detect and respond to suspicious activities. By proactively addressing these risks, officials can safeguard the integrity and security of the upcoming elections.

For a detailed overview of these AI capabilities and mitigation strategies, download the full fact sheet here. Protect the future of our elections by staying informed and prepared.

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