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With the rise in the use of AI-powered solutions to enhance security, the question as to whether or not it will be worth it remains in the minds of Cybersecurity professionals.

Security professionals generally hold a positive outlook towards AI-Powered security tools but approach them with caution.

Why is the Caution necessary when dealing with AI-Powered Security Solutions?

Large volumes of data can be swiftly analysed by AI, which makes it possible to identify sophisticated threats. Similarly, AI’s automated capabilities can also speed up other security procedures, giving experts more efficient ways to spend their time and money.

However, given the possible downsidesโ€”like the possibility of false positives, the difficulty of setting up and maintaining AI systems, and the difficulties of comprehending how AI algorithms make their decisionsโ€”caution is necessary.

In this podcast, RSAC has security thought professionals from top companies; Microsoft and Google to share their thoughts on the matter.

This podcast discusses topics and areas like:

  1. The experience these professionals have in the industry so far.
  2. The need for security in the development lifecycle and why products and organizations need it.
  3. Why products and organizations need to have security in the development lifecycle for developers.
  4. How the implementation of AI-powered security solutions is allowing security professionals to have their own scientific tools to make their work easier and more efficient.

Insterested in getting more insight on this?

Click here to listen to the podcast.

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